Tuesday, October 22, 2019

2019 Lesson Four-Geology


We had a blast learning about the three types of rocks: 
Sedimentary, Metamorphic, and Igneous. 
We looked at several rocks of each type. 
We learned that the earth's land is constantly changing. 
Erosion and earthquakes are two reasons the earth's land can change. 


Starburst Rock Cycle:
We used Starburst candies to create the three types of rocks.

Opening Geodes!
We went outside and smashed open geodes with a hammer!
All the students got to take a small piece home. They were beautiful inside!

2019 Lesson Three: Owls!


We had such a great time learning about owls.
Here are some owl facts we learned!
There are over 200 species of owls!
They can live for 20 years.
They have special feathers to help them fly silently and catch their prey.
They swallow their prey whole or in large chunks.
They regurgitate the bones and fur from the rodents they eat as owl pellets.
Scientists dissect and study owl pellets to find out more about an owl's diet. 

Image result for owls

Experiment Time!

We dissected owl pellets!
It was amazing to find the bones and match them up on bone chart.
Finding a rodent skull was always exciting!

Monday, October 7, 2019

2019 Lesson Two: Magnets!


We had a fun time learning about magnets. 
We learned about types of magnets, magnetic fields, and where we can find magnets. 
Did you know that magnets are used in computers, stereos, roller coasters, 
electric trains, and even in fans? 
We stuck magnets together to feel the 'pull' of the opposite poles (North  and South) and felt the 'push' or 'repel' of the same poles (North and North). 
We learned that magnets were found in a country called Magnesia. 
The magnetic rock was named Magnetite. 
Finally we did our hands-on experiments with magnets!

1. We played with Magnetic Slime! 

Here is the recipe:
In a bowl, mix 1/2 cup white glue with 1/2 cup water. 
Mix in 1 Tb. of Iron Oxide powder.
In a separate bowl mix 1 cup of water with 1 tsp. Borax. 
Add the water/borax mixture to the glue mixture and knead until all the water is gone. 
The slime will become less sticky as you play with it. 
*Use Neodynium Magnets to play with your slime.

2. We put iron filings (hair) on Wooly Willy!

3. We made Homopolar Motors with magnets, batteries, and copper wire!
Homopolar motors are a simple motor used in fans and windmills.

4. We figured out which items were magnetic and which were not.

5. Finally we used magnets to play!
We used a magnetic spider, played with various shapes of magnets, 
and built 3-d shapes with magnets.