Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Lesson Ten: Thomas Edison

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Thomas Edison

Lesson: Thomas Edison was a scientist, inventor, and engineer!  He invented and held patents to over 1000 objects.  His most know invention was the incandescent lightbulb. In this lesson, we learned about engineering and inventing. We learned about simple circuits and how electricity flows in a closed circuit. We also discussed electrical conductors. 


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Class circuit-Energy Stick

Simple Circuits with Batteries
Related image

Snap Circuits

Lesson Nine: Louis Pasteur

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Louis Pasteur

Scientist Louis Pasteur came up with the food preparing process known as pasteurization; he also developed a vaccination for anthrax and rabies.

We added food coloring and dish soap to milk and watched how it interacted. We loved the swirling patterns that were created!

We also looked through our new microscopes at chicken feathers, cat hair, goldfish scales, dragonfly wings, butterfly legs, and sheep fur. 

Friday, February 8, 2019

Lesson Eight: Alexander Fleming

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Alexander Fleming

Through research and experimentation, Fleming discovered a bacteria-destroying mold which he would call penicillin in 1928, paving the way for the use of antibiotics in modern healthcare. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1945.
We also discussed four types of germs: bacteria, fungi, virus, and parasites.

Growing bacteria on Bread
Using a Proscope
Looking at specimens in microscopes

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Lesson Seven: Edmond Locard

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*French criminalist who is the pioneer of forensic science & criminology.
*Formed the first forensic science laboratory
*Developed the science of fingerprinting

*Most famous for his formulation of the Locard's Exchange Principle- 
that every contact leaves a trace.   


Infared Cameras from SUU
 Fingerprint Dusting
Case of the Barefoot Burglar
Memorizing the scene

Lesson Six: Gregor Mendel

Gregor Mendel
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Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics. 
His experiments showed that the inheritance of certain traits in pea plants follows particular patterns. He cross-fertilized pea plants that had clearly opposite characteristics- tall with short, smooth with wrinkled, those containing green seeds with those containing yellow seeds, etc and reached a conclusion- there are dominant and recessive traits passed on randomly from parents to offspring.
Because of this we now know that we inherit certain traits from each of our parents. Can you think of any traits you inherited that are the same as your parents or even grandparents?

Alien DNA game
Extracting DNA from a strawberry
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Lesson Five: Galileo Galilei

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Galileo Galilei
Galileo taught us that the Sun is the center of our solar system. The earth and other planets in our solar system orbit the sun. He discovered the moon is covered in craters and rocks. He greatly improved the telescope and used it to learn about outer space.
Now we can travel to space! We can send astronauts to space and send satelites to take pictures for us. 

Launching Alka Seltzer Rockets
Paper rockets with foot pump