Monday, November 19, 2018

Lesson Two: Albert Einstein

Image result for Albert Einstein     Image result for Albert Einstein

Scientist: Albert Einstein

Here are some fun facts that we learned about Albert Einstein!

*Probably the most famous scientist of our time
*Came up with the most famous equation in the world E=mc2 (Energy= mass X the speed of light squared) which gave birth to the atomic bomb
*He was a great musician and played the violin
*Provided evidence that molecules and atoms exist
*Came up with the theory of relativity. Example of relativity: GPS
*Modern day GPS uses the theory of relativity because gravity curves space and time which results in orbiting clocks ticking slightly faster on Earth.
“General relativity predicts that time will appear to run slow under stronger gravitational pull which means the clocks on board the satellites will therefore seem to run faster than a clock on Earth. Furthermore, special relativity predicts that because the satellites’ clocks are moving relative to a clock on Earth, they will appear to run slower. The whole GPS network has to make allowances for these effects.”
*He won the nobel prize in physics
*He really didn't like wearing socks and usually didn't wear them.

*He left his homeland of Germany forever because of Hitler

Static Electricity Stations

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Lesson One: You are a Scientist!

Image result for scientists

What are scientists? What do they look like? What do they do? 
Guess what? Anyone can be a scientist! We are all scientists! During our time in the science lab this year, we will be experimenting, observing, and thinking as scientists do. 

We created a carbon dioxide bubble with dry ice! It was so fun to watch it burst!

We also experimented with the skin of water. We used a pipette and a penny and counted the amount of water droplets that would fit on a penny.
Image result for skin of water experiment on penny